Thursday, September 6, 2007

I Really SHOULD Be Doing Laundry.

Ok, I realized just now that I have a problem. A Big Problem. A little thing called "Guitar Hero" If any of your husbands out there suggest getting this "for the kids" ....JUST SAY NO! Here I am in my guitar hero-induced stupor. Do any of you see any children in this picture? NO! Because they're all at school. It's the only way I can feed my addiction without giving anyone else a turn or having to deal with pesky interruptions like, "mom, the dog just peed on the floor" or "mom, the house is on fire" or the dreaded, "mom, can I have a turn now?" I need to thank my sister, Emily for pointing out the obvious. I need help. Below is the conversation that was the turning point for me.

Laura is playing guitar hero. She's right in the middle of "Crazy For You" by Heart (and she's doing quite well, I might add.) Suddenly, the phone rings.
Laura: (looks at the caller ID, sees its her sister, Emily and answers..) I'M RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A SONG. WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Em: (blah, blah, ..y'all... blah, blah.....) (more blah, blah, blah..)
Laura: Yeah. OK. See you soon. Bye.
(She hangs up and goes back to her game.)
30 seconds later the phone rings again. Once again Laura sees its her sister calling again.
Laura: WHAT NOW??!?
Emily: You DO realize I was still talking to you when you hung up, right?


Shadley said...

Wow! You might need an inpatient program.

Connie said...

You do know that addiction runs in the family. I guess as long as you don't take that guitar to the bars, I'm not too worried.

Kathy said...

oh no! I thought this was only my children!

My kids joke about banjo hero! ha

I refuse to pick up the guitar ( actually I can't pry it out of their hands! ha!)

Anonymous said...

That game is evil I tell you!
We owned that game as well...notice I said owned as in...the past.
We took it back dude! It was so freaky cause after we bought it weird things started happening all over the unexplainable things...and then there's the whole EVERYONE'S INSTANTLY ADDICTED factor! All of us...addicted! I don't know...we had one too many strange things happen and we said that's's goin' back and all the weeird stuff stopped! I reaaly hope you have better luck than we did!!
(I actually do miss it sometimes, hee, hee!)

Anonymous said...

I hope I learn how to type someday.

Anonymous said...

Gret- weird stuff here...yet.

Anonymous said...

Ok I've got to know what weird stuff....and isn't that 'normal for you guys?!? ha,ha.

kristin said...

Okay...I'm laughing soo hard...and So's my the OR!! Cause I was on the phone to him while reading it...and I just HAD to share (hope you don't feel violated) You crack us up..big time! No guitars..No heroes here.

kristin said...

don't you ever just wear sweats around your house?? you're always lookin' cute. What's up with that??