Friday, July 20, 2007

National Green Day.

I propose today is National Celebrate Green Day. How do you make an official proposal of that sort? I'm not sure. Today I'm feeling very green. Not green with envy...just happy green. It all started in my closet this morning. While standing there, assessing the situation....crap, crap, crap, nothing but crap. My eyes strayed over to the hair accessories and BAM, there it was. My green birthday headband from Emily. Yes. The green shirt and necklace were just the natural choice, of course.

Then, started working on a baby present for a certain someone. (Sorry, Jill, someone else.) More green.
Went to Goodwill...found great mirror...$3.38....painted I'm hoping my love of green is still a healthy obsession. If not, let me know.


Rachel Bardwell said...

You are totally a hottie in that top picture.

kristin said...

You're looking like a sassinafrass in that photo! What a hot lookin' momma! Sadly, I'm wearing a sorry little (okay, HUGE) PINK shirt today. I look horrible in pink.. Perhaps I should go find something green??

Connie said...

Well, just to break up the green thing, I probably would have put some dark purple polka dots on that mirrow. (You still can). Laura, you are beautiful in any color.

Connie said...

You know what? You're on fire. You need to just go follow your passion and see where it takes you!


I can tell that you have been inspired by all of those creative blogs we've been sharing with each other lately. Oh, how I wish I were in that place where I could post something artsy everyday. I'm lucky if I'm feeling inspired once in a blue moon! You look beautiful in this picture, and not just a little feisty. You have a certain gleam in your eye. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!

Anonymous said...

Well, I dont know...what are you thinking?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I know what I am thinking about when I see that picture of Laura... va-va-voom.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Joe. Stop.

Shadley said...

oh my gosh, joe's post is too cute!

i love all the green! Long Live National Green Day!


Joe seems to think he knows what you're thinking. I don't know why I said that, just to bug you out!

emily said...

HOT MAMA!!! you are so cute! Glad you like the headband!
Joe--you are a dork! but I love how you love your wife!
I don't know what Jill is thinking, I know what Joe is thinking and I'm trying not to think about it, what I'm thinking is that I need to come and visit.

Anonymous said...

Em-I think you should come home, too.

Anonymous said...

LOVE that picture of you. So gorgeous! Rock on you beautiful- green lovin'-rock star you!

emily said...

I can't wait to hug you!!