Monday, July 16, 2007

Day Of Snickerdoodles.

The kids are waiting patiently at the window looking for Grandma's car. The boys are spending the afternoon at Grandma Mimi's making her infamous snickerdoodles. I think they especially like the job of rolling the balls in the cinnamon and sugar. Ummmm. I can't wait. I hope they know the doors will be locked when they get back until they prove they have a tupperware container of cookies! Thanks grandma for a quiet afternoon at home for mom!


kristin said...

Yum! When's the last time I had/made snickerdoodles?? your post rocks, sister..I love "checking in" on you here. You should know that I adore you :) I have a pales in comparison to the Crazy kids..but here's my link
hope you have a super great wet day!