Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Very Reluctant Joe Simpson.

So, as soon as my husband walked in the door and saw me holding the camera, the first words out of his mouth were, "Please don't simpsonize me." My reply was, "c'mon live life on the edge, don't be party pooper!" He said, "don't make me look stupid" So as much as I wanted to put him in a ballerina costume or a barrel with suspenders, I decided to be nice. I think it looks a lot like him! You don't have to be afraid of the blog, Joe! I am not one of those bloggers that will post embarrasing pictures of you! (ahem. you know who you are!) OK. I think I need to officially be done with the simpsonizing!


emily said...

ok...just disregard my comment on your other simpsonized post.
LOVE IT!!! JOE!!!!! It looks just like you!!! HAHA!!! Don't be afraid of the blog Joe!!! Just wait until I come to visit! hehehehe!

Connie said...

Why does that look so much like Joe? And Damon looked so much like Damon? I couldn't get Don to cooperate tonight - he was so tired from work, but the weekend is here. It's probably good that the whole simpsonizing thing is finishing up before the Baby Brown comes, huh? aahhhhh . . .

Anonymous said...

the Simpsonizing is great! You look good Joe!
I am left wondering (after viewing the embarrassing photos of even me on Jill's blog)if my Simpson self would have bags under her eyes....alas, I think so. Apparantly I can't shake 'em.


Hey, you're not referring to me as far as the posting of embarassing pictures go, are you! I think I've been very kind considering all of the pictures I have in my posession. Disclaimer: pics when we were kids don't count. I don't think I even began to touch anyone else's "awkward stages", just my own. You all were cute and you know it.

Anonymous said...

Man, that person needs a man-fridge for his cooperation.

emily said...

JOE!!! You are such a dork.

Rachel Bardwell said...

So, how do you get the simpson pic's on your blog? We had ours done but can't figure out how to get them on our blog. My pic isn't that great but Ked's is good!!