Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I had the great idea today to eat my peach like my mom used to fix us when we were little. Cut up with a little milk and sugar. It was delicious. Noah was a little apprehensive. He said "I like the peaches that come in the little cup with the lid you peel off." (poor kid.) He finally tried it and promptly finished up my bowl for me. Tomorrow I'll have to eat my peaches secretly, so I can actually have some.


emily said...

I completely forgot about this treat. I don't think I liked it as a kid...did I?! I might like it now...I'll have to try it again! Typical Noah! Love it!

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think you ate any fruits or vegetables. I think you just ate grilled cheese sandwiches with ketchup.


Sam and I are totally addicted to nectarines right now. (We sprinkle them with a little sugar sometimes.) We each have to have our own, and sometimes Sam finishes his AND the rest of mine!



Connie said...

Ah, yes. It's that time of year when peaches are getting good. I think the milk and sugar helped a lot when the peaches weren't quite ripe and still kind of sour. Try it, Em. Try it, Joe. Try it, Will!

Anonymous said...

My kids can't get enough of the fresh peaches. Peaches and bananas are the best--but peaches and cream works, peach pie works, peach smoothies have been enjoyed..

Anonymous said...

My kids can't get enough of the fresh peaches. Peaches and bananas are the best--but peaches and cream works, peach pie works, peach smoothies have been enjoyed..