Sunday, January 6, 2008

I've Finally Captured "The Lip"!

I've been trying for weeks to get 'the lip' on film. (What do people say, now that cameras are all digital??). 'The lip' comes out when she's doing something 'important' or is concentrating really hard. I also believe I might be seeing the lip a lot when she's, oh, about 13...14...


Connie said...

Grandma loves (& understands) the lip! Those last 2 photos - oh my - she is absolutely beautiful.

kristin said...

True...I couldn't agree more. PLUS! you have some keen photography skills...were there lessons...or is that just another one of those talent things?

emily said...

You have no idea how much I need her!!! I can't wait to see that lip in person!

Kathy said...

I gotta agree with Grandma!


I love dat lip!