Wednesday, October 31, 2007

One of Those Days...

I've been working on this large children's alphabet for several days now. I was really getting things close to being wrapped up when I discovered Lily drawing all over it with a fine point sharpie marker. How did she get a marker? It was me. OK? IT WAS ME. I left it laying there right beside it. I was close to tears. I put her down for a nap, 20 minutes later, she starts crying and I go check on her and she's taken her diaper off, sat down on her pillow, and pooped and peed on it. I love her. I really do.



oh no.....that makes me sick to my stomach. That naughty little lovely.

Connie said...

She just wants to be like her mommy and her grandma and her aunt. Give her her own "plaque" to work on!!! Lovely little artist! ok, it would have made me sick, too! But. . . .she is developing her creativity early. The pooping and peeing part, well, I got nothing to say about that.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually on the hunt for those paint with water books. Those are hard to find! Theyre usually in some obscure place like Walgreen's or Paul's. If you see any, grab em'!!!

emily said...

She is still lovely.

Anonymous said...

Those mommy days are the hardest. I had a day like that yesterday with my 13 yr old. He didn't get a marker and mess the bed--it involved a pea shooter and detention.....but, I still love him. So, in case your wondering if it gets any easier. Not real soon. sorry.

Shelly said...

You poor mommy.
But you gotta admit... it makes a good story. :)