Friday, November 9, 2007

Houston...We've Got A Problem.

I laid Lily down for a nap today. About 1/2 hour later I hear footsteps and a door slam upstairs. My first thought was, "someone is up there...WITH MY BABY!!!" I go running upstairs and on the way up, I hear a little giggle, running feets, and SLAM! Oh, no. Realization hits me just then that life as I know it, will never be the same again. I go into her room and Lily is standing there with a big smile.

"Did you climb out of your crib, Lily Margaret?!?"

"Hi, Mom!".

"Did you climb out of your crib, Lily Margaret?!?"



emily said...

I LOVE her!!!

Connie said...

Oh, yeah, it's about time, Baby Lil' Baby needs a new bed. She's 2 1/2. She's earned it.

Connie said...

DANG! She's cute!!!


Oh boy! We don't have any bed rails or toddler frames anymore. She definitely needs a big girl bed. She'll do fine!