Thursday, July 31, 2008

We are going to Chicago next week for a little vacation. I was given our itinerary last night. Yes, that's right, our itinerary. Complete with Chicago skyline clipart. There was a time in our marraige when he would have handed me this and would be quite serious about it. I think he does it now just to get a reaction out of me. It worked.

*sidenote: we went around the table last night at dinner and threw in our ideas of what to do in Chicago. I see my ONE idea made the cut...can you guess what it was???



Wow. What happened to his "vacations are for relaxing and doing nothing" attitude? Did you wear him down? Don't let them take away your cheesecake before you're finished.

Connie said...

All I got to say is WOW

kristin said...

I'm guessing it wasn't the shed aquarium??

Rachel Bardwell said...

IKEA here you come!!

emily said...

YES!!! too bad you don't have Kev to give you a card that gets you a seat right away. (was that where we went? I can't remember.):)
Hilary told me that Travis wrote up an itenerary for their trip to Iowa. I think maybe those two need to get together.