Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 2 of Big Girl Undies.

Day 2 went pretty well. We had one small accident. She decided since she was going to do so much up and down and sitting on the potty she would boycott wearing pants. Fine by me. We're that wierd neighbor everyone has that lets their kid run around the yard in their underwear. I never thought I'd say that. Hopefully, we'll get over that soon. She seems to have found a 'new confidence', if you will. Tonight as I was putting on her PJs, I started putting a diaper on her and she said, "WAIT! I do it." If she can put on her own diaper, perhaps she shouldn't be wearing them!?!? Hmm?!?



Way to go, Lily! I'm super proud of you!

Shadley said...

Yay for Lily Margaret! You're doing it! Tell Mommy the accidents will be over in no time and the diaper free living will be SO worth it! And every girl loves it when she gets rid of diaper tush!