Saturday, February 9, 2008

Congratulations, Jackson!

Jackson's artwork was selected by his art teacher to be in the Iowa State Bank Art Show at Hancher Auditorium. Only a few kids from his school were chosen, so we were very proud of him. His artwork was a storyboard project. It was a black painted board that he used a special tool to scratch away the paint to make his picture.

A rare moment is captured! A photograph taken of a handsome boy with no bribes or threats involved! Good job, Jackson. We're proud of you.


emily said...

Jack, you rock!!! LOVE the drawing! Anytime you want to draw me a picture and send it in the mail to me, that would be fine with me! Don't forget to autograph it! You are handsome...and don't roll your eyes at me!

Connie said...

JACKSON you make us all so proud. It's just the beginning, and still I can hardly take it all in.