Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Picture Of Innocence....NOT!

Here she is looking quite sorry for herself, because I've asked her what she has in her mouth (i.e. look at big brown smudge on her lips). She is a chocolate fiend. Also, note that she is still in her PJ's meaning she's hit it early. (she gets that from her mother...but we won't talk about that right now.) The Christmas stocking candy now has to go in a bowl on top of the refridgerator because it's the only place she hasn't gotten into. I'm sure she will get lots of sympathy for our blog viewers, so I will put all of your names on a rotating list for changing her poopies.


emily said...

That's my lovely!!! I may have to get my own stash of chocolates that just her and I can share when I get there. I love her and need her!!!! I think maybe her feelings were hurt in this picture...feelings were hurt because a girl just needs some chocolate sometimes!! I will change her poopies any day!

Connie said...

Potty train - potty train!!! Because a girl must have her chocolate to feel right in the universe! And after all, she is her grandmother's granddaughter!!!

Anonymous said...

she is beautiful and I have no idea how you get mad at her at all! carrie

p.s. why must you complicate the blog by removing the "other" sign in? I am now "anonymous" because I am scared to get an identity. What will this entail? (Jill has done it too-I am perplexed)

Anonymous said...

Carrie- blogger just automatically made the change. The 'other' is now entitled 'nickname' -works the same way. Dont be's OK!