Monday, April 27, 2009

These are some signs that I experienced today that remind me I am the mother of a pre-teen. Jackson turns 13 in August. So, we went to our pediatric clinic for his physical today. After registering, he begins to sweat in his chair about wether he is getting any shots today. I assure him that I didn't THINK he was, but wasn't sure. He asked me, "Am I getting too old for this doctor? When do I get to go to your doctor?" I told him to hush and read the Highlights magazine I threw at him. Which of course got just the reaction I was hoping for. The nurse calls his name and asked him to take a cup into the bathroom and "try and go potty" in it. We made eye contact and we both just busted out laughing. I felt kind of bad, hopefully she didn't think we were laughing at her. Our doctor visit was great and she was very encouraging to him. Some of my favorite quotes are as such:
Doc: So, at home you are respectful of your parents and do your chores and help out around the house, right?
Jackson: Is there any other option? If there is, I don't even know what that would be!
Doc:Good answer.

Doc:So, you used to be a picky eater...are you still or are you getting better about that?
Jackson: I still don't like vegetables, but there's no getting around that. I just quick eat them and get it over with.

Doc: Do you ever fight with your brother and sister?
Jackson: Mostly just with Noah. Me and Lily get along good. Ususally its either me and Noah fighting or Noah and Lily. He's the common link.

Doc: So, in two years you'll get your driver's permit...
Jackson: Actually, it's a year and a half. I can't believe its a year and a half. My parents can't believe they're that old.

Jackson ended up having to get 2 shots which he must have looked nervous about because the nurse asked him afterwards if it was as bad as he thought it would be. He replied, "Hey, that's life. No big deal." Riiiiight.

p.s. Emily- I actually got introduced to a new nurse as the sister to 'Flat Emily'. You must still be hanging around the office somewhere!


emily said...

oh my!!! that's hilarious!!!

Connie said...

I think we should make these kids keep going to PEDS indefinitely just because of "THEE" Emily Ward connection. She's legendary around there!!!



codi said...

He is one funny dude! I would've been cracking up the whole doctor visit. Thanks for sharing those!

Jen Essington said...

I needed that laugh today...especially from the whole potty thing! My oldest is only 5 and my heart is already racing just thinking about her ever being able to drive. ... :)