Thursday, June 11, 2009

Diffuser comparison.

This is a diffuser. This is a NORMAL diffuser. A NORMAL diffuser that NORMAL people leading NORMAL lives use to dry and style their NORMAL hair.

This is an ABNORMAL diffuser. ABNORMAL people use this ABNORMAL diffuser to dry and style their ABNORMAL hair. Using this ABNORMAL diffuser leads to ABNORMAL behavior, ABNORMAL faces, and ABNORMAL picture-taking.

(Jill is taking orders for copies of this picture. I think it would make a nice Christmas card. This picture will continue to haunt her for the rest of her life.)


emily said...

Oh my gosh, I'm convulsing. BAHHHH!!!!!!!!! This is great! I'll take a pic for Christmas. Thanks.


i'm still speechless. i've been trying to come up with something clever to say in my defense for days now, but I still got nothing.

Melissa said...

Seriously almost wet my pants. I have to say that lots of people haven't even seen NORMAL diffusers- I went through airport security once and got interrogated about mine. Apparently it looked dangerous. :)